The Bluegill is a species of freshwater pan fish sometimes referred to as bream, brim, or copper nose. It is a member of
the sunfish family (family Centrarchidae) of order Perciformes. It is native to a wide area of North America, from
Québec to northern Mexico, and has been widely transplanted to stock game fish for anglers. For many anglers Bluegill
are among the first fish they've caught. These small freshwater fish are the standard catch for people using the
classic cane pole, bobber and worm for bait in freshwater lakes all around the United States. They grow rapidly,
will eat a large variety of bait and are good to eat making them a popular fish used to stock ponds.
Most bluegill are under half a pound but the world record was 4 pounds 12 ounces, caught in Alabama in 1950. Anglers
that target these feisty fish can easily fill a bucket or more with 1 pound fish in many southern US states during an
afternoon of relaxed fishing.
Click the link to see my Bluegill Gyotaku rubbings for sale today:
I don't have any good Bluegill photos to post right now but if you need to see some follow the link below.
Bluegill Photos
Wikipedia - Bluegill Information